星云法师:佛光菜根谭之人和篇 |
节省可以医贫,满足可以医贪 恬淡可以医躁,宽厚可以医瞋 随缘可以医执,读书可以医俗 正念可以医心,慧解可以医邪 Frugality can cure your poverty. Content can cure your greed. Tranquility can cure you impatience. Magnanimity can cure your hatred. Being always at ease can cure your attachment. Study can cure your vulgarity. Right mindfulness can cure your mind. Intelligence can cure your perversion. 健康是事业成功的资本 诚信是事业成功的基础 决心是事业成功的条件 勤奋是事业成功的动力 Health is the key to business success. Honesty is the foundation of business success. Determination is the basis of business success. Diligence is the motor of business success. 我们要打扫环境,去除烦恼的尘埃 我们要扶起路树,栽植心中的菩提 我们要清理垃圾,美化居家的整洁 我们要疏通水沟,消除往昔的罪业 When cleaning your house,think of wiping up the dust of defilement. When propping up a fallen tree,think of planting the seed of enlightenment in your mind. When clearing away trash,think of making your home clean and tidy. When clearing a ditch,think of repenting for past transgressions. 一丝“小小”的微笑,给人无限的欢喜 一声“小小”的爱语,给人无边的受用 一件“小小”的善行,给人无量的因缘 一则“小小”的故事,给人无尽的启示 One little smile gives boundless joy. One little word does boundless good. One little tale gives boundless inspiration. One little action brings boundless good causes and conditions. 不计较“吃亏”,才能享有一个自在的生活 不吝于“布施”,才能拥有一个富有的人生 If you don't mind being exploited,you are free. If you aren't stingy,you are rich. 人与人之间贵在和乐相处 人与人之间病在独行独断 Get along with other people. Don't stubborn and arbitrary. 男人要有幽默感 女人要有温柔性 儿童要有接受心 青年要有创造力 Men must have a sense of humor. Women must be tender. Children must seek education. Young people must be creative. 君子者,谦下处众,因此所到之处,都是一团和“气” 小人者,仗势欺人,所以身置何地,均为乌烟瘴“气” Good people bring harmony through courtesy. Bad people bring disharmony through intimidation. 身在万物中,要有人无我 心在三界外,要有我无人 Shou selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself. 忙,才能促进心灵的健康 忙,才能培养自己的因缘 忙,才能发挥生命的力量 忙,才能提升人生的价值 Keep busy for mental health. Keep busy to gather good causes and conditions. Keep busy to show the strength of life. Keep busy to enhance the value of life. 做本份人,说真心话 作情理事,交诚实人 Know your place,speak sincerely,act rationally,and make friends with honest people. 为与人共事,故要“自己无理,别人都对” 为增广见闻,故要“事事好奇,处处学习” 为自我提升,故要“眼光要远,脚步要近” 为顾全大局,故要“求精求全,瞻前顾后” To work with others,act as if they are right and you are wrong. To increase knowledge,be curious about everything, To improve yourself,have a vision and put it into practice. To serve society,be precise,thorough,and cautious. 不做固执己见的人,要做通情达理的人 不做尖酸刻薄的人,要做与人为善的人 不做骄傲自恃的人,要做谦和敦厚的人 不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人 Don't be stubborn;be intelligent and open. Don't be relentless;be magnanimous and compassionate. Don't be arrogant;be modest and sincere. Don't be ungrateful;repay kind acts. 财富的拥有要靠大众的承认 群我的融洽要靠人脉的缘份 The public must recognize property rights. Harmony requires good causes and conditions. 做事要有头有尾,全始全终 做人要有情有义,全心全意 See matters through from beginning to end. Treat others with kindness and justice. 能够“以退为进”则是不争 懂得“以无为有”则是富足 欢喜“以众为我”则是拥有 时刻“以空为乐”则是法喜 Treating retreat as advance prevents arguments. Regarding emptiness as wealth makes you rich. Considering others as family brings you contentment. Accepting emptiness brings you Dharma joy. 宽宏大量是个宝 与人无争结缘好 放下名利不烦恼 心生欢喜不觉老 Magnanimity is a great treasure. Harmonious affinity with others is wonderful. Detachment from name and gain averts trouble. Happiness makes older people feel young. 工作无分贵贱,只要做者有心,一样欢喜自在 事务无分难易,只要做者有意,自然群策群力 No job is difficult or inferior when you love it. When you are devoted to your job,you will do your best. 虚心向学,承教最多 谦卑恭顺,结缘最广 You can learn a lot when you are humble. Humility lets you make lots of good affinities. 懂得付出,不计较吃亏,才是富有的人生 锱铢必较,只知道接受,必是贫穷的人生 Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life. 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本 等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本 Faith,honesty,patience,and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting,procrastinating,hatred,and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 人与人之间必须相亲相爱,才能同体共生 国与国之间必须互尊互重,才能和平共荣 Be caring:share the spirit of brother-hood. Respect all nations:share the spirit of peace. 拥有健康的身体,更要有正确的观念 具备充实的学问,更要有善美的心灵 Right thinking is more important than health. A good heart is more important than knowledge. 凡事能随缘,才能自在 凡事能放下,才能宽心 Follow causes and conditions to be free. Without attachment,you can be free of cares. 希望别人了解自己,自己要能先让别人了解 希望别人尊重自己,自己先要懂得尊重别人 If you let people understand you,you will be understood. If you give respect,you will be respected. 唯有觉得“一切都是我的”,才能产生源源不绝的动力 唯有觉得“一切皆非我的”,才能享有随缘自在的欢喜 Thinking that everything belongs to me moves me to hard labor. Thinking that nothing belongs to me leads me to a carefree life. 能够战胜别人,要靠自己的力量 能够战胜自己,要靠自己的智慧 Winning over others demands strength. Winning over yourself demands wisdom. 淡中交友可长久 静里生活寿延长 Friendship without worldly desires is long. Tranquility lengthens life. 做人要胆大 处事要心细 读书要无求 经世要有用 Be courageous in all actions. Attend to details in business. Do not study to gain fortune or fame. Strive to succeed in worldly affairs. 在委屈中学习经验 在困难中接受挑战 在失败中累积智慧 在挫折中锻炼意志 Grow from your adversities. Face challenges with equanimity. Learn wisdom from hardship. Let failure strengthen your will. 看自己,要看出不足、缺失、并懂得改进 看别人,要看出长处、专长,并加以学习 Study your faults to remove them. Learn from other people's virtues. 要有道德的生活,才算有修行 要有价值的工作,才算有成就 Nothing can be called practice and cultivation except the moral life. Nothing can be called achievement except what comes from useful work. 做事要明理 生活要随众 处人要合作 讲话要坦诚 In business,be intelligent and flexible. In society,live as one family. For barmony,don't cling to private interests. For progress,speak the truth. 自疑不信人 自信不疑人 疑人则不用 用人则不疑 Trustworthy people trust people. Untrustworthy people do not. Steer clear of untrustworthy people. But trust your comrades at work. 信心是进取的力量 甘愿是乐观的泉源 感恩是奋发的动能 惭愧是向上的助缘 Faith boosts resolve. Perfect willingness raises hope. Gratitude makes you strive to be better. Conscience makes you work with dedication. 恭敬在进退里,供养在诚心里 庄严在举止里,宽厚在待人里 戒行在行仪里,智慧在书本里 谦虚在人我里,快乐在工作里 Be respectful. Be modest. Be generous. Be solemn in your actions. Make offerings sincerely. Let the precepts shine in your manners. Find wisdom in books. Find joy in your work. 学习生出巧妙 服务生出慈悲 相处生出尊重 结缘生出欢喜 Skill comes from learning. Compassion comes from serving. Respect comes from cooperating. Joy comes from making affinity. 有计划,则不乱 有分工,则不忙 有预算,则不穷 有欢喜,则不苦 Make plans with care for a well-ordered business. Perform your job well and you won't be pressured. Live by your budget and you won't be poor. Live with joy and be free from pain. 宁静才能致远,从宁静中可以找回自己 无私才能容众,从无私中可以扩大自我 In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement. 委屈求全识大体 谦虚忍让多学习 随喜功德莫嫉妒 广结善缘施欢喜 Celebrate the good fortune of other people. Gain wisdom through modesty and toleration. Work patiently for society's interests. Make good affinity with others to bring joy. 微笑是智慧的泉源 微笑是愉快的流露 微笑是诚恳的语言 微笑是生命的花朵 A smile shows you are wise. A smile shows you are happy. A smile is the language of honesty. A smile is the flower of life. 纷杂之中,保持礼敬,是谓乱而敬 事虽繁冗,但不盲从,是谓扰而毅 性格坦率,令人堪受,是谓直而温 自信自强,通情达理,是谓强而义 Smile when things become difficult. Handle frustrations calmly. Tell the truth,but be discreet. Be confident and self-reliant,reasonable and open-minded. 以众为我则不自私 以忙为乐则不懒散 以勤为富则不贫乏 以忍为力则不暴戾 Treating the world as your family keeps away selfishness. A busy life keeps away laziness. Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence. 以谦虚处世可以获得尊重 以明理办事可以明白是非 以恭敬待人可以广获善缘 以道德修身可以升华人格 Handling affairs with modesty gains you respect. Doing business sensibly teaches you right and wrong. Treating others with courtesy leads to good affinity. Cultivating yourself with virtue enhances your personality 把身心安住在体谅上,世界会更宽广 把身心安住在淡泊中,精神会更升华 consideration of others enlarges your world. Detachment from desires enhances your spirit. 不以得为喜 不以失为悲 不以求为苦 不以有为乐 Don't be joyful when you get something. Don't be sad when you lose something. Don't suffer because you have nothing. Don't be happy when you have something. 说人之非,须从他的存心而论 称人之是,须看他的形迹来说 When criticizing others,consider their intentions. When praising others,consider their behavior. 做人,要有坚强的耐力,才能事事顺遂 做人,要有常开的笑口,才能所求如愿 做人,要有慧心的灵巧,才能广施仁爱 做人,要有健康的身心,才能不烦人 Health of body and mind makes you self-reliant. Perseverance makes your business successful. Compassion makes friends of strangers. Smiles make your wishes come true. 为人,亲和为贵 做事,勤奋为贵 治学,认真为贵 修心,无念为贵 To get along,be amiable. In business,be diligent. In research,be serious. To practice and cultivate,be detached. 君子交友,先交而后友,故少怨尤 小人交友,先友而后交,故多怀恨 A virtuous person incites little resent-ment because he understands people before he makes new friends. A mean person incites much resentment because he makes friends without first under-standing them. 安分守贫,何等清闲 不争人我,何等自在 How happy it is to be content with a simple and virtuous life! How easy it is not to quarrel and gossip! 家内和睦者,家道必昌 外事和睦者,外事必办 Harmony brings family prosperity. Harmony frings business success. 繁华热闹的生活,过后则感凄凉 清淡朴素的做人,历久犹有余味 After an extravagant life,you feel desolate and cheerless. After consorting with a tranquil person,you have long sweet memories. 言谈最大的罪恶,莫大于诬陷妄语 行事最大的罪恶,莫大于刻薄寡恩 做人最大的罪恶,莫大于损人利己 心术最大的罪恶,莫过于贪瞋邪见 The biggest evil in speech is to lie and accuse someone falsely. The biggest evil in affairs is to be cold-hearted and ungrateful. The biggest evil in society is to benefit from hurting others. The biggest evil in character is greed,hatred,and ignorance. 做人能圆融,别人自然少怨尤 待人少怨尤,做人自然会圆满 Consideration of others brings no resentment. No resentment leads to perfect behavior. 以随喜代替忌妒,自然事事欢喜 以随和代替孤傲,自然处处祥和 以随缘代替执着,自然时时自在 以随份代替勉强,自然人人交心 You will be happy when you celebrate other people's good deeds without jealousy. You will enjoy harmony when you are amiable and not egocentric. You will be carefree when you follow causes and conditions and are not stubborn. You will win hearts when you are modest and do not force others to act against their will. 凡事往好处想的人,快乐满怀,因为好心自然想好事 凡事往坏处想的人,痛苦不堪,因为坏心自然想坏事 The optimistic are full of happiness because they always think of good things with good hearts. The pessimistic are full of suffering because they always think of bad things with faint hearts. 股票,有涨有跌;经商,有赚有赔 事业,有起有落;计划,有成有败 比赛,有胜有负;地位,有上有下 际遇,有好有坏;人生,有得有失 A stock may rise or fall. A business may earn or lose. An enterprise may prosper or decline. A plan may succeed or fail. A game may be won or lost. A career may go up or down. An encounter may be good or bad. A life may be happy or sad. 栽花种树、积谷防饥,等待中有无限的希望 器官移植、捐血救人,延续中有无限的希望 修桥铺路、开发土地,建设中有无限的希望 选贤与能、整顿史治,革新中有无限的希望 Planting trees and flowers and storing food against famine bring people endless confidence in their society. Donating blood and organs brings people endless confidence for their survival. Constructing bridges and roads brings people endless confidence in planners and engineers. Electing able candidates and reforming politics bring people endless confidence in government. 福德因缘如银行的存款,除了应用外,更要培植福德因缘 福德因缘如稻田的种子,除了收成外,更要培植福德因缘 Blessedness is like money in the bank:as we use it we must earn more. Blessedness is like a rice field:after the harvest we must plant again. 无求的布施,端严高贵,令人感念 无悔的布施,身心光明,令人赞美 practicing generosity without reward is noble. Practicing generosity without regret is to be praised. “敢”是勇气,则表示有智慧 “敢”是发心,则表示能担当 Daring is courage:it means wisdom. Daring is aspiring:it means buty. 憎其恶而及其人,此乃人之常情 嫌其恶而友其人,则人之所难也 It's normal to hate evil deeds. It's hard to like someone who does disgusting things. 摄身守意,柔和自安 施与无畏,相融无碍 Guarding your deeds and thoughts makes you gentle. It is easy to get along with people who are not afraid of you. 富贵自喜舍中来 家业自勤俭中来 善友自道义中来 宁静自淡泊中来 From labor,money. From charity,love. From generosity,friendship. From no desire,peace. 助人者必能得福 慈爱者必能无怨 行善者必能销恶 离欲者必能无恼 Those who help others will gain fortune. Those who are compassionate do not complain. Those who bo good will rid themselves of bad deeds. Those who desire little will be free of defilement. 杯盘器皿要涤去尘污,才能纳受洁物 沟渠河床要疏通杂质,才能畅游无阻 花圃田园要除草尽竟,才能心旷神怡 自我身心要加以净化,才能开发宝藏 Cups and plates must be cleaned before food is served in them. Ditches and riverbeds must be cleared before water can flow free. Gardens and fields must be weeded before planting. Our bodies and minds must be purified before we cultivate them. 每一件事,都是要依靠众多的因缘才能成就 每一个人,都是要仰赖无限的生命才能成长 Every achievement demands causes and conditions. Everyone needs a long life to grow. 知足常乐是“天堂” 慈悲喜舍是“道场” 服务助人是“福田” 欢喜融和是“乐园” Compassion,loving-kindness,joyfulness,and equanimity are good practice. Serving others is like cultivating a field of blessedness. Joy and harmony are like a stroll in a meadow. Contentment and happiness are paradise on earth. 一味接受的人生是贫穷的因果 经常喜舍的人生是富贵的因果 A life of receiving is poor. A life of giving is rich. 太阳因为照射热能而给人温暖 花朵因为散发芬芳而令人喜悦 大海因为包容万有而被人重视 人生因为积聚慈悲而受人尊敬 The sun warms the world by its radiance. Flowers bring joy through their fragrance. The sea overwhelms us with forcefulness. We gain the world's respect by compassion. 心中烦恼无明即地狱 心中菩提正见即天堂 心中尤悲苦恼即地狱 心中安乐幸福即天堂 Defilement and ignorance bring you hell;enlightenment and right understanding bring you paradise. Sorrow and trouble bring you hell;peace and joy bring you paradise. 仅管家财万贯,却悭吝不舍,这是怀珠作丐 仅管坐拥金山,却为富不仁,这是藏宝穷人 A stingy rich man is like a beggar with a pearl. An evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure. 懂得用钱的人,金钱是功德 不会用钱的人,金钱是罪恶 Money can gain merits if used for good. Money can be evil if used for ill. 有失败的勇气,才有成功的希望 有辛勤的耕耘,才有丰富的收成 The courage to fail brings the hope of success. Diligence brings a good harvest. 书不读,不为我有 理不明,不为我知 A book carelessly read is not yours. A lesson misunderstood in not yours. 爱是自私的,爱也是奉献的 爱是染污的,爱也有清净的 爱是狭隘的,爱也有宽广的 爱是愚痴的,爱也是超越的 Love may be either selfish or dedicated. Love may be either defiled or pure. Love may be either narrow or broad. Love may be either foolish or transcendental. 愿从心生,发愿就是“发心” 果从缘有,结缘就是“结果” Vow comes from the heart;making a vow is aspiring. Fruit comes from conditions;making affinity brings good. 乐观如明灯,照亮希望的前程 消极如毒品,腐蚀健康的心灵 Optimism is the lamp of hope. Pessimism is the drug of sorrow. 欢喜做事,事劳而不觉其累 良友伴行,路遥而不觉其远 When you like your work,you do not tire quickly. When you like your companions,a trip seems short. 能从所得中获益,世俗之凡愚也 能从捐失中获益,升华之大智也 To benefit from your gain is ordinary. To benefit from your loss is wisdom. 对父母的慈悲是孝 是亲人的慈悲是爱 是师友的慈悲是义 是众生的慈悲是仁 compassion for parents is filial piety. Compassion for relatives is love. Compassion for teachers and friends is righteousness. Compassion for sentient beings is benevolence. 懂得利用时间的人,便是懂得生命的智者 懂得利益别人的人,便是懂得人生的圣者 You are wise when you know how to use your time. You are a sage when you know how to benefit others. 用语言赞美别人是口中放光 用眼神关怀民瘼是眼中放光 用耳朵聆听苦难是耳中放光 用悲心体谅众生是心中放光 To praise means to have a glowing tongue. To see suffering means to have glowing To hear suffering means to have glowing ears. To be compassionate means to have a glowing heart. 电话传真,让现代人有了“天耳通” 电视传讯,让现代人有了“天眼通” 报章杂志,让现代人有了“神足通” 电脑网络,让现代人有了“他心通” Telephones and radios give us the ears of gods. Television and cinema give us the eyes of gods. Newspapers and magazines are magic carpets. Computers and the Internet let us read people's minds. 能够乐善好施,必非贪财之辈 能够视死如归,必非无耶之徒 能够淡泊名利,必非好名之人 能够扬亲显荣,必非不肖之子 Generous people are not greedy. People who sacrifice their lives are not scoundrels. People detached from worldly desires do not wrestle for fame. People who strive to bring honor to parents are not worthless. 时间即是生命,争取时间,就是抢救生命 寿命就是时间,浪费时间,就是糟蹋生命 Time is life:using time well is saving life. Life is time:squandering time is wasting life. 会善用时间,就是会处理生命 能掌握时间,就是能拥有人生 Using time well is treasuring life. Seizing time is mastering life. 学习不只要求得知识,更要开启智慧 读书不只要求得学问,更要身体力行 Learning is not for knowledge only,but for increasing wisdom. Study is not for erudition only,but for putting to use. 心胸宽大者能广 心田宽大者能有 心海宽大者能容 心量宽大者能空 Tolerant people are rich and generous. 人生七十才开始,慈心悲愿无了时 人生七十古来稀,立功立德无量寿 Life begins at seventy,and even when old we can be compassionate and make vows. We rarely see seventy,but if we achieve and are virtuous we can enjoy endless lives. 德行善举,是永不失败的投资 慈悲大爱,是永不战败的盾牌 Morality and good deeds are unfailing investments. Compassion and love make an impenetrable shield. 我们能在生时多做善事,则临死何惧 我们能在平日贡献社会,则虽死犹生 When we do all the good we can,we need not fear death. When we offer society all we have,we live after we die. 发心吃饭,饭就能吃得满足 发心睡觉,觉就能睡得香甜 发心走路,路就能走得长远 发心做事,事就能做得起劲 Aspiring to eat,you can eat heartily. Aspiring to sleep,you can sleep soundly. Aspiring to walk,you can walk endlessly. Aspiring to succeed,you can succeed powerfully. 以诚感人,人也报之以诚 以德服人,人也报之以德 Honesty will be repaid with honesty. Virtue will be repaid with virtue. 我们可以到深海里找到宝藏 我们可以到沙漠里探到油矿 我们可以到废墟里挖到古迹 我们可以到人群里找到缘份 Find gems in the ocean. Find oil in the desert. Find ancient cities under heaps of rubble. Find affinity with others. 每一个人都能修口修心,就能正己正人 每一个人都能敦亲睦邻,就能齐家治国 每一个人都懂缘起真理,就能相互依存 每一个人都行八菩提分,就能正常生活 By cultivating good thoughts and words you become wholesome while helping others become wholesome. By realizing the principle of dependent origination you live in harmony with others. By living in harmony with others you bring harmony to family and country. By practicing the noble eightfold bath you can lead a good life. 能够克服困难,便能获得良机 能够解决困难,便能化解危机 能够面对困难,便能寻求转机 能够不怕困难,便能把握时机 Attack a problem and gain advantage. Resolve a problem and avert a crisis. Face a problem and overcome danger. Have no fear and seize your chance. 能在心中寻找和平的人,是最幸福的人 能在众中发挥热力的人,是最智慧的人 The happiest people have peace of mind. The wisest people are full of enthusiasm. 声明:如有发现我们文章、图片或视频侵权,请通过邮件(见首页)与我们取得联络,我们在接到通知后会立即删除。 |
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