则悟法师:福报和智慧不是天生的 |
则悟法师 福报和智慧不是天生的,更不会从天而降,而是要通过精进不懈的努力,护持三宝、利益众生以修福,深入经藏、依教奉行以修慧。在日常生活中,惜福培福,尽己所能的帮助他人,亲近善知识,听闻正法,如此点点滴滴中福慧双修。 Karmic reward and wisdom are not inborn. In other words, they are not naturally fallen from the sky unexpectedly. They should be obtained through unremitting efforts, such as protecting the Triple Gem, benefiting all beings to foster merit, studying the profound meaning of scripture, and practicing the teachings of the Buddha to seek wisdom. In daily life, we should gradually cherish and foster our blessings, try our best to help the others, approach the wise advisers, and listen to right doctrines and so on. In this way, we can cultivate and accumulate both merit (puṇya) and wisdom (prajñā)。 声明:如有发现我们文章、图片或视频侵权,请通过邮件(见首页)与我们取得联络,我们在接到通知后会立即删除。 |
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